school Socratease Features

Why we are an Awesome Learning Platform!

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What can Socratease do for you?

Interactive content

Socratease content isn't just consumed. It is played with. Learning happens as the user is enjoying this game. We make it easy for you to create such content.

Easy to Use

Creating and accessing Socratease is child's play. Literally. Tiny phone, large monitor, poor internet connection, multi-lingual support, etc etc. We have worked hard solving all this, so that you don't have to.

Scales with You

Creating a quiz for your class of 8 students? Creating a full-fledged course with hundreds of lectures? Want a Classroom Management System for your University? Socratease works for you, " each according to his needs". (Sorry, Marx!)

Actionable Insights

Interactive content means higher touchpoint with the users. So, apart from regular statistics like the average points scored on a quiz, Socratease provides micro-insights into students' and classrooms' learning gaps.

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